A aké skladby si vlastne Peter Gabriel na platňu Scratch My Back požíčal? Siahol napr, do repertoáru Radiohead, Arcade Fire, Lou Reeda alebo Neila Younga. Kompletný zoznam skladieb pripájame. Dodajme, že Gabrielov album je prvý zo série podobne koncipovaných platní…
Scratch My Back – zoznam skladieb
Heroes (David Bowie), The Boy in the Bubble (Paul Simon), Mirrorball (Elbow), Flume (Bon Iver), Listening Wind (Talking Heads), The Power of the Heart (Lou Reed), My Body is a Cage (Arcade Fire), The Book of Love (The Magnetic Fields), I Think it’s Going to Rain Today (Randy Newman), Après Moi (Regina Spektor), Philadelphia (Neil Young) and Street Spirit (Radiohead)
Zdroj: EMI